3 Step 'Birth Trauma & Fear Release’ Process
121s for releasing trauma from any pregnancy, birth or life experience and/or helping prepare for birth by removing unwanted fears
When birth or mamahood doesn’t go to plan…
How do you know if you have Birth Trauma?
If you have had your baby and now feel awful about what happened. Perhaps it was something that happened at the birth, during pregnancy or postnatally. This can look like many things for different people, but here are some of the common things I hear from Mamas and Parents suffering with birth trauma:
Things felt out of control; I was scared for my life; I was scared for my baby’s life.
Things felt completely overwhelming.
I wasn’t listened to or believed.
I feel at a loss, sad and/or shocked.
I am experiencing flash backs and/or have intrusive thoughts.
I have difficulty relaxing; I struggle with sleep.
I feel low, numb or have anxiety and feel manic.
I over-worry about every little thing and am hyper-vigilant.
Or are you panicking about giving birth?
Does it fill you with fear?
If you are pregnant and feel worried, scared or overwhelmed about the rest of pregnancy, giving birth or life afterwards, then these sessions are also for you. Pregnancy is a great time to work through some of our patterns, limiting beliefs or fears. A really helpful extra in everyone’s birth & baby preparation would be including these sessions.
1/3 of women in the UK experience their birth as traumatic. Even with myself and 1000s of birth workers working tirelessly to inform and prepare Mamas for a positive birth experience…
In all cases of Birth Trauma, the Birth Awareness 3 Step Process can really help; just as it has helped hundreds and hundreds of others before you. It cleverly diffuses the emotional charge and creates new neural pathways to increase disassociation from your experience.
100% of people say it is beneficial and 30% say it is transformational…
“We can’t change what happened in our birth, and yet our liberating power lies in changing how we feel about it”
— Dulcie Batt, JoyFULL Mamas Founder
About the sessions:
These can be done in-person or via zoom. Usually it takes 3 sessions to go through the whole process. Session 1 & 2 are approx 1hr long. Session 3 is just 30 mins. We will usually spread these out over a week or two at your convenience; as follows:
First session - you can choose to share your experience if you wish (some people decide not to talk about it and that is ok too). We then take you through a simple Guided Relaxation to start off. This is to help settle a frazzled or stressed nervous system; which is often needed when people have experienced trauma as the system is still running its stress response. After the session you will be given the recording of the relaxation to listen to in between sessions and whenever you need in the future.
Second session - we check in to see how things are doing and then take you through another Guided Relaxation. This is where the experience will be re-encoded in the mind, in such a way as enabling you to remember the event, retaining your wisdom and key learnings, but help the mind to re-file any big emotions and tricky reactions we might still have been experiencing that we would like more choice over. This is powerful and a very effective process for all kinds of trauma, as demonstrated extensively by its creators when used with post-war veterans suffering with complex PTSD. At all times you are in control of the process.
Third session - we focus on the future and how life might be like, without these difficult feelings or traumatic symptoms. What would it be like to move forward free of all this? You will also have a recording of this guided relaxation helping you move forward in life feeling less traumatised, and feeling lighter, more positive, with a greater sense of calm, ease and confidence.
It is important to note that this is not therapy and we are not therapists. We are simply taking you through a very clever meditation to help your mind process and re-file the experiences that you have had. This can give you more space and help you feel much better moving forward. Together we can clear these dominating patterns and feelings and focus on the kind of future we would rather have happen.
Sound good? Contact us today to arrange suitable session times and let’s get this sorted!

Join me for space to connect, reflect, release and find freedom from the binds of your experience
Investment - £195. People attending our classes can benefit from a £20 discount.
Contact me to request the discount code and organise session dates/times or for your FREE 15 minute consultation:
07775 627809 or joyfulmamma1@gmail.com
Sessions can be held at my home studio or via Zoom.
You will know when you are ready and I am here to guide you through your release, With love & light, Dulcie xxx