My name is Dulcie, I’m a Mama of 4 and I believe that joy is your birthright.
As a child, I was happy, cheeky, inquisitive, full of love for life. All was generally good until in 2003, when I was just pregnant with my first born (although I didn’t yet know it), my beloved Mama died. For me it seemed as though the lights went out and all colour seeped from my experience. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to function normally again, let alone feel any semblance of happiness.
To begin Mamahood from this place was super challenging. I was both in the depths of grief and giddy with love for my new baby boy. I felt unable to immerse myself in joyful experiences as anything close to happiness seemed disrespectful to my Mama’s memory. I spent a long while feeling disconnected from life.
Fast forward four years and the birth of my eldest daughter, we decided to escape life as we knew it - selling up our home and buying a boat to sail around the world and embrace freedom. It was on this dream trip with my gorgeous husband and two children that I reached rock bottom. It gave me space to connect with my deep sadness. I broke down, sobbed for what seemed like forever, gazed up at the sky and had a lightening bolt realisation…..
Being sad was the last thing that my Mama wanted for me - right there and then she poured down her abundant love from heaven above and awoke me to my mission - to maintain and build connection to my inner joy, with a determination to honour her life by honouring my own.
Life is short and it is OUR responsibility to make it sweet. This was my wake up call and here began my life’s work. My Mama’s gift to me that day was to deeply connect me to the Joy inside me. Urging me to stay connected to the healing power of it and sowing the seed of my work to help other’s wake up to Joy, without the catalyst of tragic circumstance.
For the last 12 years I have looked at life through a very different lens, birthed 2 more babies and sailed halfway around the world with my family for the love of a fresh perspective.
Like anyone, I have good and bad days, good and bad moments but through it all I am connected. The cyclical nature of our lives is a blessing - I surrender to the Buddhist Philosophy that everything passes and I am grateful for it all.
I will always be work in progress and have been on quite a journey to get to where I am today - a Mama of four with Joy at her core, who is back in love with life.
JoyFULL Mamas - The Book
Oooh this is my favourite writing spot. It is here, even in winter with a hot water bottle on my lap, that I write my book.
The title? You guessed it… JoyFULL Mamas. All my learnings over the last 15 years of Mamahood tied up in a book.
I am writing it first and foremost for myself - it is a cathartic creation; second of all for my gorgeous children so that my insights are recorded before I become a Grandma and remember everything with rose tinted glasses; and from there to connect with Mamas around the Globe. My wish is to reach as many Mamas as possible and help them ‘Feel good during Mamahood’. It is work in progress and you will be amongst the first to know when it is published! Check out my Blog where some of my Book inspiration lies!
I am so honoured to be a Co-Author of this divine book Wake Up Mother - written by a collaboration of 13 Goddesses.
Wake up Mother is for those women who have felt lost, alone, unsupported, dimmed, squashed, uncomfortable, unable to speak their truth for fear of it highlighting the shadows. It is for the Mothers, Sisters, Witches, Bitches, Whores and Good Girls. It is for the Mothers of children, furry friends, businesses and creative projects.
Mother is when we are most fertile physically. It is when we nurture, guide and support those around us. It is our creative blooming, It is the ripening fruit, our period of birthing ideas, businesses and babies. It is also the time we are asked to quietly shoulder ALOT. Societal pressures, conditioning form authorities, media exposure and emotional immaturity are all designed to keep us forever in maidenhood.
The never-ending quest to stay young, look young, but still be successful - the cook in the kitchen, the whore in the bedroom.
Businesses, Children and Creative projects take a village. It is in the Mother Energy we find connection, our communities, and ultimately our sanity.
This book shares stories and wisdom of Mothers; an opportunity to face and embrace our shadows with no judgement. It is within these shadows we find ourselves. We share so that others may find the light in the darkness too.
We see you Mother. Come rest here for a while.