My Story - Faith versus Fear
I discovered the POWER of Hypnobirthing with the birth of my fourth child and my only regret is not knowing about it sooner! Previously I had three ‘medicalised births’ and although I was utterly delighted with my healthy and happy babies, I craved a truly beautiful birth experience. I had heard of women birthing where they felt like empowered goddesses who were ‘born to do this’, rather than a ‘patient of the system’. A friend of mine recommended Hypnobirthing and I was intrigued. Not only did the practice promise a calmer, more enjoyable pregnancy but also a calmer, more enjoyable birth.
This time, my wish was to replace the birthing fear/tension cycle that I knew so well with a relaxing/opening cycle instead - approaching the birth from a place of faith vs fear. This baby was going to be my last and I committed to the practice of Hypnobirthing with the hope of magical experience. I was induced because my waters had broken and labour hadn’t started naturally after 24 hours. Even with the news of the induction, I was determined to continue with my Hypnobirthing and thank heavens I did. I managed to get to 10cm dilation simply with the breathing, visualisations and relaxation scripts and only asked for gas and air during the transition phase. I felt totally in control, utterly present and in absolute awe of my incredible body. The midwife turned away for a moment and when she turned back around she exclaimed “she’s out!” - I had sensed exactly when to push, with no encouragement needed, and had birthed my beautiful baby girl myself - it was a totally heavenly experience for me - I felt like a Goddess Warrior. As I gazed at my newly born fourth child in my arms, I declared that I simply had to teach this beautiful practice to women some day.
Giving birth is an experience we will remember, with clarity, for the rest of our lives. It is a story we will share over and over again. Surely we owe it to ourselves to do whatever we can to create the most beautiful birth story we can? I have the deepest respect for birth and for women, their partners and babies and a deep faith in the natural birth process. I truly believe that Hypnobirthing gives you the power to confidently approaching your birth from a place of faith vs fear, creating a positive birth experience for you.
I am fully trained with KGH Katherine Graves Hypnotherapy who are the gold standard in Hypnobirthing. Join one of my classes to become more in tune with your powerful inner strength, enabling you to experience and be wholly empowered by the transformational nature of birth. The course is a complete Antenatal and Birth Preparation course and you will learn every that is covered in an NCT course and MORE! You will also and importantly connect with other parents to be and benefit from learning & sharing with them.
I trained with Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing who I consider the Gold star Hypnobirthing offering.
Many midwives trained with me because they rated the KGH work so highly.
“It’s a whole other level of surrendering and trusting your body totally, and we spent months focusing on letting go of fear, learning everything we could about birth, so that we felt as educated and informed about every step of the process and every decision along the way.”
— Deliciously Ella
Partner support
Hypnobirthing deepens the bond with your partner. Together you learn & understand the science based, logical reasons why hypnobirthing has such a powerful and positive effect on birth. Your birth partner learns how to best support you to ease your birthing experience
“Our nightly practice of your techniques is such a lovely experience for us as a couple. We both feel it’s going to help us so much and is already bringing us closer together.”
Natasha, JoyFULL Mamas client
What is Hypnobirthing?
KGH are the Gold star in Hypnobirthing and the original UK Hypnobirthing course, designed especially for mothers in the UK and now taught internationally. All KG Hypnobirthing teachers are knowledgeable and highly trained to support you in hypnobirthing. The course is constantly evolving so we keep you up-to-date with the latest evidence and research.
This is a birth preparation programme which makes a positive difference to your experience of giving birth and gives you the tools to give your baby the best possible start in life. It is a system of letting go of the fear, anxieties, preconceptions and negative thoughts about childbirth, then building confidence so you allow your perfect body to do what it instinctively knows what to do, efficiently and comfortably. Where the mind goes, the body follows. Through educating your mind about how Hypnobirthing works, your body will relax into the process of birth and birth as you are perfectly designed to. You will attend up to 8 hours of in depth, interesting classes where you will meet other like-minded parents to be, then you practice at home. Each day you will let go of fear and build confidence so that on the day of the birth you simply let your body do what it is designed to do.
The course is utterly transformative, enabling Mamas to approach birth from a place of faith vs fear. The course will reach softly into the hearts and minds of parents approaching birth and fill them with inspirational visions of possibilities and aspirations for beautiful, peaceful, calm births for their babies and for themselves.
This course not only equips you with the Hypnobirthing POWER information, but uniquely gives you the knowledge to understand your options and the implications of the choices you make. As well as teaching you the techniques you need for a calm, positive, empowered birth, it gives you the information to navigate our maternity system to achieve the best outcome for you and your baby. However your birth unfolds, JoyFULL Mama’s are much more likely to have a positive birth experience, giving them a stronger foundation from which to start Mamahood!
The Theory
In 1957 the British Medical Association issued a statement that ‘hypnosis is an effective method of relieving pain in childbirth’ and proposed that all doctors should train in hypnotherapy. Consider this logical mind-body connection: When we are fearful we tense up and the natural birth process is inhibited making labour longer and more painful; When we are relaxed we let go, making it much easier for our baby to birth. Hypnobirthing enables a Mama to relax and work with her body, which is naturally designed to give birth. It releases the fear and negativity that she has been programmed with from an early age and replaces it with calm confidence as she learns to trust her body, her instinct and her baby. This course is a complete antenatal education which is logical, practical, simple and very effective. It emphasises natural childbirth and teaches self-hypnosis techniques to combat fear and pain during labour. Many of my Mama clients claim that giving birth was the most wonderful and empowering experience of their life.
It is logical that birth requires mental and physical preparation and practice. Think about it – if you were getting ready to run a marathon you wouldn’t go for a quick run the night before would you? You would put a training plan in place months in advance. You’d train physically, visualise your run, set your goals and mentally prepare yourself to endure even when your body is tired. Birth is a marathon and this Hypnobirthing course gives you all you need to prepare and practice.
Hypnobirthing makes such a significant difference to your experience of giving birth and gives you the tools to give your baby the best possible start in life. You will learn about the procedures that are routine in hospital and your alternatives, so you and your partner can make informed decisions with confidence that they are the best for you and your baby – keeping you calm and confident throughout the birth process. Hypnobirthing truly changes and empowers both the Mama and father, and has the most profound effect on the baby that will last a lifetime.
Proud New Mama Me
With baby Liberty in arms - baby 4 and my hypnobirthing babe
To have a comfortable and positive birth we’ll think about four contributing factors:
1) Practice - remember the comparison we drew of Birth being like a marathon? You need to prepare and practice.
2) Where baby is born – We’ll cover hospitals, home births and midwife led units. The risks and benefits of all so that you can decide what is best for you and your baby.
3) When baby is born – We will look at why fixing our minds on due dates can cause unnecessary stress and inhibit natural labour starting. We’ll look at inductions and the risks and benefits, we’ll think about what we can do to prepare for a natural birth and when it might be more appropriate to consider intervention – KGH will prepare you for all births, in all settings so that your birth is positive and calm regardless of how you choose to do it.
4) Who is with you at the birth – we will look at the role of the birth partner in great detail. In KGH the birth partner is the Mama’s protector. They protect the birth environment the Mama has created, they support her through her relaxations and affirmations, they advocate for her with her caregivers and they support her through pregnancy and birth into parenthood. Choose them wisely!
You have Choices Mama - remember that you always have choices in the birth process, even when sometimes you feel like you don’t. We will help you talk through the choices you’re asked to make. Giving you information and knowledge on all birth topics and sign post you to the evidence and research so you can make the right decision for you. Most importantly we’ll look at your rights as parents, so you feel informed and prepared for your birth.
Be Confident Mama - in your body, in your ability to birth and in your caregivers - this confidence enables you relax and work with your body in the way nature intended. As well as learning about the choices around birth you’ll also learn about the physiology of having a baby so you know HOW to support your mind and body through birth and what is happening at each stage.
Be in Control Mama - empowered with your knowledge, you can feel part of the decision making process during your birth so you make the right choices for you. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have time to think about our choices because we haven’t prepared. Then we may feel rushed in to making big decisions quickly, which can feel like we’ve lost control of our babies birth and our body. This course will support you to feel in control and ready for birth and parenthood.
Be Calm Mama - so your mind and body work together in harmony. Breathing, relaxing, surrounding yourself with positive birth images, talking about your birth proposal and preparing for birth will all make you feel calm. This course teaches you relaxation techniques to break the cycle of fear causing tension, which causes pain, which causes more fear (and so on!) so that you can quickly and effectively bring your mind and your body to a state of calm, allowing you to birth your baby gently, calmly and more swiftly.
Be Comfortable Mama - Wanting to feel safe in our surroundings when giving birth is a primal instinct. Making sure you feel comfortable during birth will have a massive effect on your birth experience.
Communicate Mamma - Communication is key to a positive birth experience. Firstly for the Mama with her own intuition - what feels right intuitively? Between the Mama and her birth partner - are they on the same page so they can work together? Last but not least, with the couple and the caregivers where good communication is essential.
“You can find good information about babies and birth in many places, but Hypnobirthing is the only thing I know that actually makes a difference to your experience of giving birth. I cannot promise the perfect birth. Nothing can, and to do so would be ridiculous and not true. However my experience is that KG Hypnobirthing always makes a difference, and a very big difference too. It is a privilege to be a teacher and to be invited into your life at such a special time in order to make it even better.
— Katharine Graves. Founder of KGH & best-selling author
What you’ll learn..
How to connect with your Birth POWER and innate body wisdom and boost the flow of birth conduicive hormones to give yourself the best possible chance of a physiological birth.
Calming Breathing exercises
Deep relaxations & Visualisations
Very effective work to release fear and build confidence
How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
Your incredibly powerful mind/body connection
Knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth that you are unlikely to be told anywhere else
How our maternity system works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you
A simple set of practices to support you at home
Comforting massage techniques for your partner
The integral & super supportive & useful role of your birth partner
Benefits for you..
You will experience a more comfortable and sometimes pain free birth.
Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.
Length of labour is often much shorter.
Less drugs and medical intervention are used in Hypnobirthing births allowing your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.
Mamas often bounce back quicker after birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.
Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.
Beautiful babies, beautiful births - what a way to enter the world!
“Oh Wow! This changed my mindset from scared to excited! If you are at all anxious about birth and just want to know ow our bodies are actually made to do this - I recommend JoyFULL Mama’s Hypnobirthing Course - so positive, enlightening and empowering! Thank you!”
— Louise Birchall,JoyFULL Mamas Client
“We both found the course really helpful and look forward to practising together. It’s made us really look forward to the experience and feel in control of how we want our labour and birth to be. Dulcie you are the perfect teacher and your energy is infectious!”
— Kristina Church - JoyFULL MamasClient
“This Course is so informative! KG Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal preparation package - we covered much of what I would have expected from an NCT course and now I feel like there is no need to attend one of those as well. The course gave confidence to both my partner and I and was very consistent. We were really impressed by how it was adapted to online learning and didn’t feel we missed out at all by not being physically present. Thank you! ”
— Kezia Levy - JoyFULL Mamas Client
“Dulcie, I cannot thank you enough for the Private 1:2:1 KG Hypnobirthing sessions. It’s been such a JOY and you have the most beautiful energy. I’m feeling very relaxed and excited for my birth now. My Mum and Jay are so impressed with the whole experience and are both feeling so much more confident. Thank you so much!”
— Hannah Oram-Coshan - JoyFULL Mamas Client
“This was an incredible experience to learn how we can approach birth with a calm and controlled mind and make it (however the birth unfolds) a positive experience. Practising daily breathing, relaxations and preparing my mind to stay encouraged, brave and in charge is now the key. I am so glad that my husband is such an advocate of this course now. Thank you again Dulcie for delivering this beautiful content to us. Your great energy and fantastic approach gave us such motivation, a positive outlook and understanding of the importance of trusting my body in this natural process of pregnancy and birth.”
— Kingha & Vil Dutia - JoyFULL Mamas Clients
“I just wanted to share with you that we welcomed our daughter Eliza into the world. Born on 26th August 2020 at 4.06am. I had a really positive labour/birth experience and know that KG Hypnobirthing had a significant part to play in that. I was lucky enough to get to the hospital at 8cm dilated and within an hour she was born in the pool. Hypnobirthing certainly helped to ease my anxieties during the pregnancy, which was also one of the biggest benefits so I wanted to thank you Dulcie and show off a picture of my gorgeous baby!”
— Kristina, Matt & baby Eliza - JoyFULL Mamas Client
“Very pleased to introduce baby Avram! Water’s broke at at midday with no labour, so anxious about potential induction after 24 hours. But kept positive and calm using hypnobirthing and labourr started naturally. Even though I gave the doctors a scare with blood pressure, couldn’t continue in the pool and moved t consultant care, I kept on with my breathing and birthed by beautiful boy. Keeping strong from pregnancy yoga and focused in hypnobirthing made this such a positive birth experience - such an achievement and what a glorious prize! Thank you so much Dulcie for all your support and guidance during this wonderful time. ”
— Kezia, Max & baby Avram
“Our baby girl arrived! She was 8lbs 11oz and as you can see, I had a waterbirth which was so relaxing and the hypnobirthing really made it such an amazing experience, we are completely smitten! Thank you xx”
— Emma, Ollie & baby Ellie
I don’t want to give birth at home. Is Hypnobirthing for me?
A resounding yes! Hypnobirthing is for everyone! It isn't limited to what you might think of as a ''natural birth''. It's not prescriptive so nothing is right or wrong here. The idea is to make sure you are well armed with the best toolbox so that you can face anything that's thrown at you during pregnancy, labour and birth! The course is based on logical and evidence based information and equips you for anything.
Will I have to be hypnotised?
The short answer is no. Hypnobirthing uses the wonderfully effective principles of hypnotherapy to induce deep states of relaxation which help prepare you all for a calm birth. You will be conscious at all times. Or if you prefer you can just fall asleep, it works just as well, if not better because your subconscious mind is still listening!
When should I do the your Course?
A good time to come would be any time after 20 weeks as you'll naturally start to think about the latter part of your pregnancy and the birth of your baby. This also gives you plenty of time to put into practice the tools you will learn throughout the course. It is not so much a matter of learning facts so they are fresh in your mind, but more a matter of absorbing the information so that it becomes second nature. Doing the course earlier, you get the benefits of KG Hypnobirthing during your pregnancy as well as at the birth of your baby, but KGH works whenever you do it. I have taught a Mama who gave birth two days later, and it worked well - see here story here:➡️ ! I offer an Power course if you are 36 weeks + pregnant and have only just heard about Hypnobirthing and have limited time to get genned up!
How can I convince my sceptical partner to come too?
Most partners arrive at the course utterly sceptical and leave extremely enthusiastic. We don’t expect you to believe in it at the outset. Why should you? We do ask you to listen to the facts and the logic so you understand how important it is and the difference you as a birth partner can make.
The caricature of a father at a birth is someone who is nervous, feeling responsible for the situation she is in, holding her hand and wishing he could help, but not knowing what to do.
With our classes, the birth partner role is extremely valued, way more than in your average ante-natal class. Hypnobirthing makes sure the birth partner realises his or her full potential as a valuable asset in this journey. They are as important, if not more, as the caregivers. They are your Number 1 and therefore will greatly benefit from the information learned on the course.
A hypnobirthing partner is knowledgeable and able to support the Mama as she gives birth. They are a huge asset in the birthing room, and many Mamas say, ‘I couldn’t have done it without him.’ They have practised together before the birth which brings them closer together, and he knows he has played an important part in how his baby enters the world. This deepens their relationship as a couple, and his relationship with his child.
Also, I provide scrumptious biscuits, so....
Will hypnobirthing work for me if I come on my own?
Yes, definitely. Many women have come to the course on their own if they have a husband who is away on business, as a single mum, if it’s a second baby and they can’t find a babysitter for their elder child, or any other reason. Just remember that Hypnobirthing works, and you are very welcome. If your partner can’t come, we would welcome your Mama, a friend, or whoever will be supporting you at the birth instead.
Can I bring someone else to the course?
A close friend or family member who is going to be in the birth room to support you when you give birth can come to the course as well as your partner. It is important that they understand what you are doing and how best to support you. There is no additional charge for this. This does not apply to birth professionals (including doulas).
How many people are in the group?
If you prefer to set up a one-to-one course that is possible, just contact me to book
The size of the groups classes vary, depending on a great many factors including for example, the venue, the time of year. It can be lovely to do Hypnobirthing in a group because you can meet other like-minded expectant couples, exchange ideas, and learn from their questions. The groups are kept small enough to be personal, and large enough to be friendly.
‘With all the costs of having a baby, I can’t really afford this too’
Ok this isn't a question but it's something we hear a lot so it is important to address it.
The benefits of Hypnobirthing are hard to quantify monetarily and those who have had hypnobirths will tell you it's worth way more than any amount of money they might have spent on the course.
It's important to understand that a Hypnobirthing course is a lot more than a usual ante-natal class. It's an all encompassing preparation course that lasts way beyond the actual class times into your everyday, through practice. Midwives and birth practitioners are becoming aware of its major effect on labouring mothers and their partners and the importance of Hypnobirthing to everyone.
When you decide to do a Hypnobirthing course you are investing in yourself as well as your baby. The calmer the Mama, the calmer the babe's transition into the world will be.
We live in a society that has a pervading reluctancy to invest in ourselves. We're encouraged to spend thousands on material things all the time (cars, phones, laptops, bags, clothes sofas, prams...) so why not something that has the potential to change the world by creating a calmer, more connected next generation?
Everyone deserves the best birth possible so I strive to make things work for those on low incomes. You can always pay in instalments to spread the cost before your course starts. Please contact me for details.
Will I receive any course materials?
Before the course you will be sent you will be sent Colour & Calmness the pregnancy and birth relaxation MP3 so you can start to practice and develop a positive outlook on pregnancy and birth straight away.
At the course you will be given The Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing Book, several more audios & scripts and a folder of handouts to support you during the rest of your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.
What happens after the course..
As your Hypnobirthing teacher, after the course I am here for you, your birthing partner and anyone else who may have concerns or questions. If you feel like you need extra support in any way; if you feel vulnerable after an appointment; if you just need to be heard, please call or email me! I will be able to signpost you where needed if I can not answer your queries myself. I will not be able to give you medical advice but I will do everything I can to reassure and help you.
Answering all your questions; the ‘what if’s and ‘if onlys’
If you are expecting your first baby, you may have the phrase on your lips, ‘What if……’. The fears you have are often derived from the dramatic emergencies you have seen on television or the movies. Hypnobirthing helps to explain the ‘What ifs’ so you can safely leave them to your midwife. She is highly qualified in ‘what ifs’, but you need the knowledge to understand this.
From women who are expecting their second or subsequent baby, I often hear the words, ‘If only…’. ‘If only I had known, I would have made a different decision.’ ‘If only someone had told me.’ Hypnobirthing saves you from saying ‘If only…’ after the birth, and helps you let go of a previous bad experience, so that the birth of your second baby can be a wonderful and empowering experience. You may find this hard to believe, but there are many Mamas who can vouch for this. It is the second time Mamas who REALLY know the difference that Hypnobirthing makes as they can make the comparison, or in my case fourth time Mamas!
The choice is yours..
There are 4 booking options depending on your situation:
Group Course £230 or £205 with client discount, 8 hours of training.
1:2:1 £260 for 5-6 hours totally tailored training
4 hour Refresher Course for those who have already done a Hypnobirthing Course with a previous baby and want to refresh their knowledge and tailor the experience to their current pregnancy - £165.
Follow Up sessions - for any additional support required £45 per hour.
💕Please contact me to discuss what would suit you best. You can then click straight through to book the Group Course or, once we have confirmed a time, I will open up the relevant time slot for you to book your private appointment. I am so excited to share the joy of Hypnobirthing with you!💕